Music Pop

Gabby by Eddy Marshall

New York City based Jazz Pop artist and award winning best person, Eddy Marshall, has just released his newest single, “Gabby.” It’s been described by someone close to me as “the best song he’s written so far!” And I have to agree. It’s wonderful. Gabby by Eddy Marshall “Gabby” is the embodiment of everything I […]

Folk Music Pop

Fleeting by Peridot

This is a guest post by Eddy Marshall. Peridot is a group of musicians that know their brand. Beautifully arranged songs, cozy morning cups of warmth, and ceaselessly reminding you that no matter how much affection you shower upon them, they will always and forever, “love you more.” The inimitable duo has nestled even deeper […]

Indie Music Pop Rock

Bad Guy by Rand

“Bad Guy” by Rand was recommended to me by, friend of the blog, Mr. Eddy Marshall. Eddy first showed me a band Rand was in called Tennessee Whalers whose song “Locks” is still one of the best pieces of folk music I’ve ever heard. “Locks” had some incredible instrumentation, harmonies, and vocal performances. The chorus […]

Folk Music Pop

Regrets by Eddy Marshall

“Regrets” by Eddy Marshall, the second release from Eddy Marshall in 2018, is an inspired homage to Paul Simon. From the beginning drum intro and organ swells to the first lines: Regret’s a friend I never sought before He overstays his welcome, muddies up my floor Eddy Marshall’s songs definitely draw from a wide variety […]