
Kogarashi Tales by 9ToEarth

9ToEarth are set to release their debut EP Kogarashi Tales on June 12. Kogarashi is a Japanese word that means the wind preceding the onset of winter. Kogarashi Tales is a collection of stories that are connected and carried by that cold, windy feeling. 

“We are very inspired by the Asian culture,” Kika Stepa of 9ToEarth said. “I based many ideas for the lyrics on the idea of contrast that I believe is a strong part of the Japanese culture.”

9toEarth wearing black suits in front.

After a trip to Japan, Kika felt overwhelmed with inspiration from Tokyo’s hectic city atmosphere that contrasted its legendary parks and shrines. She observed the well-cultivated traditions that go unchanged for years for the country’s people. 9ToEarth used these connections to showcase a contrast of old darkness with new wave influences within their EP. 

“With the EP we wanted to reflect some of our struggles in life but also delve into the human psyche and illustrate it in our own words.”

9ToEarth is an alternative, electronic collaboration of Chilean artist Visonia (Nicolas Estany), and singer and songwriter Kika Stepa. The duo mixes fragility with depth and darkness of raw industrial sound. 

Follow 9ToEarth on Instagram, Facebook, and all streaming platforms and check out Kogarashi Tales on June 12.

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