Indie Music Pop

Main Street by Tarot Death Card

Today’s song is “Main Street” by Tarot Death Card, an Indie Pop quartet from Salt Lake City, UT.
Their song “Main Street” crawls toward you slowly. Clap, Kick, Clap, Kick. Bringing in an eerie lead guitar and bass, and followed shortly by a moving rhythm guitar. But when those vocals kick in, wow!

Take my hand
We’re running away tonight

I’m hooked, less than a minute in.

Your wish is my command
It is you I crave

The sweeping sounds of heavy synthesis sprawling through the background carrying with it the emotion of this track. “We are the poison in your blood, you lust for us” the emotions rise with the driving sound of the rhythm of the guitar and the crash of the cymbals. Slowing back into a new verse, the phrases “Have Heart” and “If you’re lucky” repeating with an amazing atmospheric rise and fall as the song fades away, if you’re lucky.

What a great song to start with, Tarot Death Card has me hypnotized.